Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rodents and Roatan

Wow. Sorry. It’s been awhile since the last post. I always promise to do better, and then life gets in the way. Let’s see…what have we been up to that I can sum up in one neat little package called a blog post?

Today, being Groundhog Day, the media has been obsessed with discussing the mental state and hallucinations of some silly rodent in Philadelphia. So what if it saw a shadow because today, after almost forgetting what the thing is called because it hasn’t been visible for 8 weeks, the silly sun decides to shine. So we’ll base our spirits on the news that the overgrown rat saw its shadow, which somehow scientifically affects the weather and will make it cold and snowy for at least 8 more weeks. We’ve already had one of the snowiest winters on record, so what’s 8 more weeks of the depressing white cover that quickly turns into disgusting sludge along the side of the roads and under the car? (and inevitably ends up as splatter on the back of my pants when I'm trying my best to tiptoe through it in the parking lots...grrr)

My mind is taking me back to the first week of December. I was in a much happier place then. See folks, our family decided to head south. (and I’m not talking within the U.S.) When we go south, we really go south. We went on a cruise (again) to the Caribbean. The weather was WARM (what’s that like) and while Omaha was getting slammed with the first 12” of snow for they year, we were on a beautiful sunny beach in Roatan. My biggest complaint of that day was I forgot to reapply sun block after my massage on the beach. Oh what I’d give to go back there again now.

R1 is now officially a seasoned cruiser. She thinks any vacation begins once you set foot on a boat. Deuce travelled very well also. He enjoyed the sunshine and played some in the water. His favorite part was watching the ocean go by while sitting on mom’s lap on the balcony of our room. It’s in those moments that all was right with the world. (for both of us)

(Or maybe it was this moment, when he napped on the beach after his beach massage...)

We travelled with both sets of our parents as well as some friends. All together (counting the kids) there were 14 of us in our group. We danced, dined and dove the week away. It was beautiful and fantastic. We made memories that will last a lifetime. It was one of the best Christmas gifts we could have possibly given each other. Who knows, it may become a tradition. Let me know when you want me to start planning for next year! It’s only 10 months away!!