Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who needs an alarm clock when you have a kid?

The other morning, around 6:45 or so, our lovely innocent stealthlike daughter came pattering through the kitchen on her way to our bedroom. I only know this because my "mommy-sense" had started to turn on for the day when it heard her bare feet hit the kitchen floor. However, my eyes had not yet opened, nor had my brain begun to process much more information other than she was on her way. I think it was preparing my body for the usual boot up sequence of a quiet "Mommy? It's morning time." Or perhaps the feel of a little one's breath on my face as she tried to see how close she could get to me before I opened my eyes, which is the normal way J and I get to wake up when she rouses herself before our alarm goes off. Instead I am awakened by a:

"RROOOOAAAAAARRRRRR" followed by a small giggle.

This "roar" also resulted simultaneously in an earthquake in the bed next to me, so I got it double whammy. (The earthquake described would be J jumping from his slumber to an upright position, which, since he was sleeping on his stomach at the time, was quite a feat in and of itself.)

R seemed to think the result was quite funny. J and I did not. She was sent back to her room as if we had pressed the "snooze button" to get her jammies off and her clothes on. J and I needed a few quiet moments to allow ourselves to start breathing again.

I think I like the whisper quiet alarm better.


1 comment:

krugie23 said...

Tooooooooooooooo Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey, at least you got warning. Many nights, I wake up at 3 am and Z is laying beside me!