Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Any Day Now" x 2.......Really?

“Any day now.” Yes, that was the remark from my Dr. again this week. I guess the words “Any day now” could mean 1 day or 15 days. No telling. Guess this little guy will come when he’s ready.

Now for the technical details: Still at 3cm dilated. Still 50% effaced. No progress over last week. Both the Dr. and J & I were thinking that will all the contractions I’ve been having off and on for the last few days would have meant that we’ve made more physical progress. Apparently not. Dr. did say that the baby’s head was lower in my pelvis than it was last week. (Something I could tell already due to the extra pressure I’ve been feeling in that general vicinity. I walk like you do when you try to walk with a ball between your thighs and not drop it. Sound awkward? It is.)

Dr. said that she would be happy to induce me once I hit week 39 which would be on March 11th. Since I was induced with R, I’d really like to experience going into labor naturally, but I am feeling very ready to have this baby…so we’ll have to weigh all the options once we’re at the 11th and still have no baby.

I’ve been trying a lot of different things that are supposed to help “jump start” labor. Proven and unproven. In the last few days, I’ve:

Eaten 2lbs of fresh pineapple
Tried massage and acupressure on pressure points to cause contractions
Eaten food with lots of hot sauce
Taken Evening Primrose
Walking – a lot more than I had been
What got baby in, is supposed to get baby out (think about it and it’ll make sense)
Warm baths, warm showers

So I suppose if you know of something else I can try, I’d be willing to give it a shot. Leave me a comment and I’ll let you know if it works or not.

Until we hear something different, I guess this is where we stand on updates.


krugie23 said...

Hang in there!!

Deborah Smith said...

My granny told my sister to try cod liver oil. She did. All she got was the poopers!

Corby said...

Your poor granny...