Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First Loves and Trains

Tap…tap…tap. Are you still there? I know, I know, it’s been a long time. I even had trouble remembering my log in information to post this. Sorry!

I’ve been thinking a lot about posting something up here again. And I’ve spent some time considering what it is that you’d like to read about. Do you want stories about the kids, stories about the hubby, stories about me? Sometimes I just feel like rambling in general about things that are on my mind, but I’m not sure you’d rea
lly want to know. I suppose I could post it, and then you could stop reading anytime you wanted. How about you finish reading this, and then let me know what you like best about the blog. Then it’ll give me some more things to consider, and when I decide to post again (6 months to a year from now J) you may be able to come back to something you find interesting.

For now I’ll just put up a quick summary of the holidays and let you know that we are still alive and kicking.

Moo has encountered her first love. His name is Mario. He likes to wear overalls, and he and his brother have a successful plumbing business. Have you figured out if you know him yet? It’s Mario. You know, from the video game “Mario Brothers”. She has Mario games on the Wii. She has Mario games on the DS. Santa even got her the special Mario edition DSi (the one with the camera) for Christmas. It’s GREEN! (her favorite color)

I know some people frown about kids playing video games. I, as a parent of an addicted child, can see their point. However, this addiction also gives me, the parent, a much needed
tool…LEVERAGE! Anytime Moo varies from her “angel” self, the threat of not getting to see Mario for an undisclosed amount of time is usually enough to get her to cooperate and put the halo back on her head.

I’ll let you know another little secret, when she sits down to play her game, it also gives me some of that much needed “me” time that every parenting magazine and website tells you that you need to take, but always feel guilty about scheduling. This is “me” time that’s unscheduled and sporadic and it’s YUMMY! Hey- I’ll take it when I can get it.

Our little R2, or as we have fondly named him our little “Bean”, isn’t all that little anymore. He’s walking, talking (some), and has quite the personality. He thinks he can do everything his big sister can do, and will try to prove it! Our sitter swears he’s destined to be an engineer. He is very observant and loves to figure out how things work. He’s not as v
erbal as his sister was at this age, but he’s very good at getting his point across and understands most everything we say. One of these days he’ll just start a dissertation about trains and we’ll not be surprised at all.

Trains…I did mention trains, didn’t I? It’s become the latest obsession in our house. We have been inundated with trains, and somehow it still doesn
’t seem like we have enough. Our “Tuu-Chu’s” are everywhere, and they all have a different function and place. Bean is borderline OCD with his trains and other toys. They all have to be placed just so, or you have to start all over. It’s very entertaining to simply watch him position everything when he plays.

We had a very Merry Christmas and a very good New Years. We all survived and had wonderful gatherings with friends and family.

I’ll try to do better about updating the blog more frequently.


1 comment:

Brenda said...

Great to read your blog once again... I check it periodically just to see if you have posted another great story about any one of you, but the kids are the best. It always brighten my day!